Working with Multiple Documents

Stay Organized While Working with Multiple Documents

In the early 1960s, the first IBM operating system was created. Among other advantages, users were struck by the ability of a computer to perform several functions simultaneously. The processor easily switched from one task to another, gradually bringing them all to their logical conclusion.

Impressed by this effect, they tried to transfer multitasking to the sphere of human activity. Then it seemed that the ability to do several things simultaneously is a beneficial skill, mastering which you can multiply your efficiency in work while significantly saving time spent.


Multitasking is the ability, ability, and skill to successfully perform several processes simultaneously, switching from one task to another. At the same time, bringing each of the functions to the desired result. Initially, the term was used purely in the programming environment but gradually migrated to production and the sphere of human activity.

Multitasking at work is a combination of the following qualities:

  1. Analytical thinking
  2. Systems approach
  3. High organization

The requirements are far from simple. However, the following tips will help you complete them.

Plan things for the day, week, and month ahead

Sometimes it can even be helpful to set tasks for 1-2 hours to complete them clearly and on time. However, it would help if you did not draw up a plan that does not correspond to reality – this is one of the “cunning” ways to procrastinate.

Sort tasks by importance

The most important thing is recommended to start in the morning. The 20/80 principle is certainly involved here: The Pareto Law (the Pareto principle, the 80/20 principle) is a rule of thumb named after the economist and sociologist Vilfredo Pareto; in its most general form is formulated as “20% of efforts give 80% of the result, and the remaining 80 % of the effort is only 20% of the result. Therefore, you should first do what brings you closer to your goal.

Set work cycle

What does multitasking mean in the “correct” sense of the term? Several tasks need to be completed in a specific period. If you pounce on everything at once, achieving what you want will be much more challenging. Concomitant factors will be stress and a depressive unmotivated state.

Don’t get distracted while working

It is recommended to turn off all distractions during the period of concentration on the task – social networks, notifications on the phone, and e-mail.

Illustrative examples

The ability to multitask is not such a useful and valuable skill as it seems at first glance. Research shows that multitasking harms a person’s ability to work.

We are far from robots, so work productivity largely depends on the ability to concentrate on one task. We carry out a chain of cases sequentially, completing one and starting another. As the goals are achieved, the motivation and desire to achieve great success grows. Therefore time is saved. It seems that if you take on two things simultaneously, the time to complete the tasks should be halved. But in the vast majority of cases, it will take twice as much effort to concentrate and, accordingly, switch. And the chances of successful completion will be reduced.